Molatek helps to save the sheep with drought relief

Mar 10, 2020 | Sheep

Molatek helps to save the sheep with drought relief

The Karoo, a region synonymous with livestock farming for producing wool, meat and mohair, is currently experiencing its worst drought in the last 220 years. Because of the wide-reaching impacts of the drought, many farmers have had to cut down on their flock sizes, leaving them with only a few breeding animals to continue farming.

Save the Sheep is a Non-Profit Company (NPC) located in Sutherland in the Northern Cape and is dedicated to providing drought relief to these farmers through a number of drought intervention projects.

At Molatek we are invested in the livelihood and welfare of the farmers in this country. In January of this year, we took part in providing the farming communities of Williston, Brandvlei and Pofadder with drought relief in the form of Molatek Molasses Meal and Molatek Master 20, to provide aid and hope during this time.

“Dankie vir julle groot hulp en skenking aan Sutherland se boere. Droogte kom lê in jou siel en maak jou moedeloos en bekommerd. Dankie dat julle uitreik na ons en ons hande vat om ons deur te trek. Groot waardering!

Dankbare Sutherland groete, JP en De-Manndi Symington, Bankdrif

“Baie dankie vir hierdie reuse skenking aan die boere van Sutherland. Wanneer dit vir ons voel ons staan met ons rug teen die muur van droogte, dan kom mense soos julle om ons te help. Sutherland groete, Marinus en Margaret Blom, Elandsberg. “Wat ‘n wonderlike geskenk! Baie dankie vir die Meester 20 en Molassemeel. Ons kan nou weer ons skape lekker voer gee. Ons waardeer dit opreg.

Droogte groete, Monica Bothma, Geelhoek

“Namens die boere van die Sutherland distrik wil ons hiermee ons opregte dank uitspreek vir jul ruimhartige skenking van Meester 20 en molassemeel. Dis fantasties om te sien hoe ons skape smul aan hierdie lekkerny! Baie voorspoed en seën vir julle.

Karoo-groete, Willie & Alta de Lange, Verlatenkloof

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