Molatek Wool Master Concentrate

Molatek Wool Master Concentrate is a high-quality ionophore-free protein concentrate for use in complete diets or lick mixes, which increases the performance of ewes. As it is ionophore-free it is suitable for production where growth promoters are prohibited.


Class: Protein Concentrate for Sheep
Registration no. V19782, Act 36/1947

MASS: 50 kg


Crude Protein min g/kg 330
Crude Protein ex NPN max % 58.22
Urea max g/kg 50
Moisture max g/kg 130
Crude Fibre max g/kg 120
Calcium min/max g/kg 13 / 25
Phosphorus min g/kg 6
Magnesium g/kg 3.2
Sulphur g/kg 9
Potassium g/kg 16
Copper mg/kg 40
Manganese mg/kg 500
Zinc mg/kg 500
Cobalt mg/kg 1
Iodine mg/kg 11
Selenium mg/kg 4.5
Vitamin A IU/kg 12 000


MOLATEK WOOL MASTER CONCENTRATE is a high-quality ionophore-free protein concentrate for use in complete diets or lick mixes, which increase the performance of ewes. As it is ionophore-free it is suitable for production where growth promoters are prohibited.

  • Can be fed as a maintenance lick, a production lick or as a complete mixed diet.
  • Due to small differences in the nutritional requirements of late-pregnant and early-lactating ewes, only one supplement is needed at different intake levels.
  • Wool Master Concentrate complete diets can be used in lambing pens.
  • Decreases pregnancy disease and the incidence of abortions.
  • Enhances foetus and udder development in late pregnancy.
  • Normal onset of lactation with enough colostrum for twin lambs.
  • Increases milk production during lactation.
  • Ensures that vigorous, healthy lambs are born.
  • Fewer discarded lambs.
  • Ewes have lower weight loss, which increases conception and lambing percentage.
  • Optimal lamb growth and weaning weights.
  • Supply as a production supplement to young ewes and rams after weaning to improve growth.
  • Optimum development of a lamb’s reproductive potential
  • Sufficient wool follicle development in lambs for a lifetime of optimal wool production.
  • Improves wool production and the tensile strength.
  • Highly palatable.
  • The molasses binds the lick, thus avoiding loss caused by wind.
  • High in quality bypass protein.
  • Contains ionic salts to prevent bladder stones in rams.
1 2 3 1 2
MOLATEK WOOL MASTER (V19782) kg 250 200 200 850 700 500
MAIZE/HOMINY CHOP kg 450 400 - - 150 400
SALT kg - - - 150 150 100
ROUGHAGE kg 100 - - - - -
LUCERNE kg 200 400 400 - - -
CEREAL GRAINS kg - - 400 - - -
TOTAL kg 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
PROTEIN min g/kg 15.2 158 166 280 24.3 200
PROTEIN ex NPN max % 31.6 23.85 22.7 58.3 55.4 53.4
UREA max g/kg 12.5 9.78 9.78 42.5 35.0 25.0
MOISTURE max g/kg 120 120 100 120 110 120
FIBRE max g/kg 130 130 140 100 100 100
CALCIUM min/ max g/kg 5.8/9 7/10 5/8 11/15 9.6/12 6.8/10
PHOSPHORUS min g/kg 3.3 3.6 4 5.1 4.5 4
ME RUMINANT (CALCULATED) min MJ/kg - - - - - 9.4
Sheep/goats g/kg Ad lib Ad lib Ad lib 150–200 150-200 300-400


Note: For flush feeding apply Maintenance lick intake. For production lick intake for ewes with multiple lambs, consult your technical advisor.


These are examples of mixes; contact your TA for specialised custom rations to suit your requirements.




This animal feed contains an NPN source.
Mix and feed strictly according to instructions.

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